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Image by Fakurian Design

Findings & trends

Insights exclusively available for our respondent community.

Image by Fakurian Design

Giving back to you

To show our appreciation for the continued support of our survey respondents we create regular trend Reports based on the insights collected.


These Reports demonstrate the current position of the insurance market, what your peers think and highlights how and where service is improving.

Please note, the findings are password protected, you will receive the password upon completion.

Latest Trend Reports

Insurance Technology Monitor

Trends in this report are sourced from the Insurance Technology Monitor, which is an independent study evaluating the share of mind, InsurTech usage and familiarity and trust in leading players.

Employer Brand Monitor

Insights in this report are sourced from the Employer Brand Monitor, which is an independent study evaluating the brand and reputation attributes measuring the external perceptions of an organisation’s social and cultural environment

London Insurers Monitor

This summary report highlights some of the key trends we are seeing across the Market, sourced from our London Insurers Monitor, the leading independent report on corporate reputation and underwriting performance in the London Insurance Market.

London Claims Monitor

Trends in this report are sourced from the London Claims Monitor, which is an independent study evaluating the claims reputation and quality service of leading insurers among claims brokers.

UK Claims Monitor

The trends in this Report are sourced directly from you and your peers' responses evaluating the claims reputation and service quality of leading insurers.

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