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Employer Brand Monitor
Providing board-level decision-makers with a view of how their reputation and brand as an employer stands with the key talent and against the competition.
Global Brand Monitor
The Global Brand Monitor is a quantitative brand tracking study achieving a robust baseline measure of your brand position across the world.
Marketing Effectiveness Report
The Gracechurch Marketing Effectiveness Report measures how effective our clients’ marketing is and how to improve it.
Trading Spaces Monitor
The Trading Spaces Monitor surveys the comparative experiences of brokers who visit London Market insurers’ offices to do business.

Brand & Marketing
Monitoring brand and reputation is critical for any insurer’s corporate strategy focused on professionalisation and modernisation.

Why brand-building is essential to growth
New research analysis conducted by ICMR and Gracechurch shows that leading Insurance CEO's should now treat brand development as a...

What is Insurindex?
A quick-fire interview with Ben Bolton, MD of Gracechurch about our sister company Insurindex – what it is, what it does and why it's making

Insurance leaders – time to change the conversation
The current talent shortage has led to a growing number of voices calling for the sector to recognise that it has a brand problem
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