by Scott Vincent for The Insurer
Marsh marine broker Maxim de Prins has topped this year’s Gracechurch London’s Leading Brokers 2021 overall ranking.
De Prins, who has spent close to a decade with Marsh, finished ahead of his energy colleague Adtiya Khanna in second place.
BPL Global’s Charles Radcliffe came in third ahead of Lockton’s Chris Wetherell in fourth, with Willis Towers Watson’s Graeme Moore rounding out the top five.
Marsh received the largest number of nominations for its brokers ahead of Aon in second, Willis Towers Watson in third and Lockton in fourth.
De Prins also topped the ranking for the marine class ahead of Aon’s Tom Lovett in second. Marsh also saw Paul Martin and David Roe place third and fifth respectively in the marine class, with Lockton’s Colin Hasler in fourth.
The Gracechurch London’s Leading Brokers 2021 ranking is based on data collected between December 2020 and February 2021 through confidential online interviews.
Nominations were received from 254 senior underwriters operating in the London market covering a representative cross-section of business classes and carriers, with participating underwriters representing 46 separate insurance carriers. More than 600 broker nominations were received in total.